360 Photography
360 Photography
We have the capability to shoot products and people on a 360 platform, this provides the ability then to show products off to their absolute best
This is an innovative way to show off your products to their best.
Some 360 FAQ’s:
- What can be shot? What about size?
- Well pretty much anything? So long as it weighs less than 75kg
- Size wise, can be pretty large, some smaller examples below
- Can you shoot people?
- Subject to them being less than 75kg clothed then sure
- Great for fashion/accessories bring them to life
- Smaller objects? Jewellery?
- Yes sure, we can enter the macro world too
Some examples below
Nikon Lens
Ladies Boot
[products columns=”1″ orderby=”title” order=”ASC” ids=”8146″]
[360-jsv total-frames=29 main-image-url=http://veneziaphoto.co.uk/VeneziaTest/wp-content/uploads/360Photos/Proscecco/DSC_5293_1600.jpg image-url-format=DSC_5293_1600_xx.jpg speed=1 inertia=26 zoom=false reverse=true auto-rotate=1 ]
Wedding Necklace and earrings
Wedding Head piece
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