Yanks Uppermill Saddleworth August 2022
Whilst the 2022 Yanks weekend was officially cancelled, many still arrived in period costume and a number of venues carried on with the usual festivities.
Including singer Rachel Mercer (see rachelmercer.co.uk ) singing at Muse (see https://www.museuppermill.com/) Tea dancing at the Waggoners Inn (see www.thewaggoninn.co.uk/) and singers and even a Willys Jeep and Captain Mainwaring making an appearance at the Hare and Hounds (see www.hareandhoundsuppermill.co.uk/)
If you feature on any of the videos/photos please email us info@VeneziaPhoto.co.uk and let us know which photos you’d like copies of, with no charge. Just need an email address to send them across to you. (If you hover over a photo it should show the image name/number just let me know what it is)
Great fun all round keep checking back for more images and videos
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